Discovery Montessori
L’Ecole Sans Murs (School Without Walls)
September Newsletter
Sept 17th – Family Picnic, 5:30-7pm
Featuring Coco and her Hula Hoops
Sept 19th – 1st “Dinner and A Movie” Night
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
(We need to have 10 children signed up by Wed. Sept. 16th in order to have this event.)
We would like to welcome all of our new families! Everyone is settling in, and getting over those new school “jitters”, both children and parents.
Drop-off and Pickup has been going great!! Thanks for keeping us all “in line”. Please remember NOT to pull around the car in front of you and to be considerate of the parents leaving the parking area. Let’s continue to keep everyone safe this year!
Our New Web site
Make sure to check out our updated web site.
Kristin Rowe is helping us update the information and it should be a great resource once we are all done. The new staff photos are posted. We are always open for suggestions so, remember we have the communication box in the last cubbie in the south classroom. Let us know what you would like to see on our Website or Facebook.
In September we focus on Grace and Courtesy. You may see teachers asking your child to shake hands with the correct hand, and to make eye contact when greeting. We also remind students to say “please”, “thank you”, and “no, thank you”. Children are learning to clean up when they spill, roll their rugs, and put work where it belongs. Returning students who’ve already mastered these skills are able to come in and get right to “work”. When the children get overly excited we sometimes need to “calm the room” by turning over the rain stick or turning off the lights. This helps the children to remember to work politely and to respect their work environment.
This month we will be reading Johnny Appleseed and juicing apples. The children love to watch the apples turn to juice, and enjoy drinking what they have made! Apple donations are always appreciated – especially if your family has an apple tree.
Thanks to everyone who has donated! The children enjoy the varity and healthy choices.
STAFF Spotlight
Each month we will feature a staff member to be in the “Spotlight”. Picked randomly, we will share with you about your child’s unique teachers and what they bring to your child’s school experience.
This month the spotlight is on …. Miss Wolf
Miss Wolf grew up in Colorado Springs and has lived in Ft. Collins for three years now. Here are a few of her favorite things….
Her goldfish, the color pink, and her favorite restaurant is – The Silver Grill. She loves to be active, swim, hike, do yoga, and go to movies. Her favorite trip was when she drove down the coast on Route 1 from Seattle to San Diego. She Co-Teaches in the Preschool classroom with Mrs. Korkow and closes when she’s not in class.
Full of brown and yellow, this month features sunflowers!! Children who were here at the end of the year last year and through the summer remember planting sunflower seeds.
- Please make sure your child is symptom free and MED free for 24 hours after an illness.
- Please label all outerwear – hats, boots, mittens, etc. (yes, that time is rapidly approaching!).
- Please remember closed toed shoes for riding.
- Remember silverware in your child’s lunchbox when needed.
- Help us maintain our non-violent atmosphere by leaving all superhero items at home (including – lunchboxes, clothing, shoes, and show-n- tell items).
FAMILY PICNIC / Crock Pot Cook Off
September 17th , from 5:30 pm until 7ish Tickets are: $5 for Adults and $3 for children. The Teachers are hosting a “Crock Pot Challenge”. This is a fundraiser for our equine program and the playground project. Buy a ticket and sample the many crock pot dishes, rolls, and cornbread. You may bring a dessert to be shared potluck style. Drinks and table service will be provided.
After you have sampled the dishes, submit your ticket to vote for the winner of the “2015 Crock Pot Cook Off”. Then we will be entertained by Coco Hula Hoop Extraordinaire with her partner Madeline, who will be mesmerizing us with 7 light-up hula hoops. Halfway through the performance we will get a chance to learn how to hula hoop, too. Then the finale will be the fire hoops.
In the Art Room…
We are focusing on color, circles and cylinders. So look around your house for an item in your favorite color, and maybe a circle or cylinder or two. Put what you would like to donate to our color wall in a bag marked donation, and all other items in a bag marked show and tell. See how many circles and cylinders you have in your house. You can also cut out things with circles and cylinders from old magazines and make a collage to share with us too.
In the French Room……
We will be going back to the Farm with French this fall. So if you haven’t ordered your French farm CD, look for the sheet and send in your $12.00. Until we find just the right fit (for our French teacher), Ms. McGovern will be filling in for the Music Lingua classes.
Out by the Barn….. We are so excited to welcome our new miniature horse Tabby and her buddy Duncan,
a miniature donkey.
We have been working all summer on the arena and getting the barn fixed up. Those children who took the summer off have been excited to “get back in the saddle again”. Miss Koenig is excited to announce that we also will be getting two new alpacas this weekend!
Geography Corner…This month we are featuring Asia. If you have items, pictures, books or anything from Asia to share, send it in for show-n-tell. If you have been to a country in Asia and would like to come in and speak to the group, please let a teacher know. We’d love to have you share your experiences.
A Huge Thank You!!
All of us here at Discovery would like to thank all the parents who have donated to our school. We are so grateful for all the help and want you to know it is very much appreciated!